Included in the Level 1 Bundle

Bundle includes the first two core courses of our "Your Soul's Evolution" Curriculum, a guide to prepare for meditation and a guided meditation to balance the masculine and feminine energies...

Manifest Through Spirit

About the Course...

Manifest through Spirit focuses on Abundance and Prosperity, but not just our financial situation in life. In fact, when we Manifest through Spirit, we begin to work with the energy of the Universe, the All That Is. From that place, everything we desire flows to us with ease and grace. We create our realities each moment of every day, so are you ready to create rather than stifle? Manifest rather than sabotage? Flow with the abundance of Universal Consciousness? Then Join us!

How to Connect to Your Guides

About the Course...

Who are Spirit Guides? What's their role and purpose? Does everyone have them? If so, how do you incorporate their wisdom and guidance into your life? This course is designed for anyone who has ever been curious about connecting to their guides. The lessons cover who they are (types and categories), how to invoke them and enhance your "clairs", preparation techniques which include things like intention and grounding. as well as their multidimensional nature. Join us for this riveting course, which includes a 70 page workbook.

Your Instructors

Meet Renee & Anthony

As founders of Blue Soul Earth®, Renee & Anthony are dedicated to igniting global consciousness & teach about heart-centered living. Together, they act as vessels for transformative channeling of ancient knowledge, wisdom and healing through events, workshops, YOUR SOUL'S EVOLUTION™ curriculum, Study with Spirit® courses, the Blue Soul MASTERS™ course and leading sacred retreats. They are both Reiki Solas & Holy Fire Reiki masters and incorporate sound healing, Prana Yana breath work and martial arts disciplines into their work. Renee and Anthony have led workshops, round tables and spoken at major conferences and events around the world. They are also authors of six books on spirituality, travel and consciousness.

Your Soul's Evolution: Level 1 Bundle

Save by registering for a bundle: Level 1 of Your Soul's Evolution Certification


  • How is Your Soul's Curriculum different from your other offerings?

    Your Soul's Curriculum is a structured program that follows a recommended order of experiencing the courses. Why? Our guides took us through the same order when teaching us about your soul's journey and elevated consciousness. Of course, you can take them individually in whatever order you wish, but taking them as part of Your Soul's Evolution is part of a certification program.

  • What does certification mean?

    Receiving certification acknowledges that you have completed each of these courses in the Your Soul's Evolution program. The Certificate of Completion is accredited by the International Association of Therapists. This also makes you eligible for a discounted membership as well if of interest to you.

  • Can I revisit the course after I have completed it?

    The course will be available to re-take as often as you wish for up to three years.