Magdalene's Sisters™
Membership Program for Women
It is designed for women who are on a spiritual journey and interested in deepening their levels of awareness and consciousness. It is also designed for those who have a connection to the Magdalene energy (or any strong divine feminine archetype) as well as for women interested in an ongoing community of sisterhood.
Sharing between members in a sacred container is followed by live channeling of Mary Magdalene where members can ask questions and connect to her energy.

Membership Details
Magdalene’s Sisters™ is a monthly gathering of hearts designed for women from across all cultures, belief systems and parts of the world. We gather twice a month to connect, share and uplift other women so we can all be empowered to step into our true light, our purpose and speak our truth.
The membership is designed to serve as a sisterhood, for the collective consciousness delivers an amplified power that is far greater than one. And yet, the collective supports each and every one of us individually as well. We're not meant to lead and serve single handedly — we're so much more powerful together. Why do it alone?
Channeling Mary Magdalene is part of each session. We hope to see meet you soon.
Twice a month meetings via Zoom (PST): one in the morning and one in the evening to accommodate people's busy schedules and different time zones in the world.
You can attend either meeting or both if your schedule allows; there's no need to choose one over the other.
Recorded replays of all meetings, so you can revisit them later if you missed a meeting or simply want to dive deeper into the teachings.
Sharing with other like-minded women also on a spiritual journey. You don't need to be a healer as your profession to participate in this group for Magdalene believed as do we, that everyone is a healer in their own unique way.
Access to the Blue Soul Earth® and Study with Spirit® communities. We hold live events via Zoom and lead sacred retreats around the world. We also teach a Blue Soul MASTERS™ Advanced Program once a year.
Who was Mary Magdalene?
Since 2016, she has been given a liturgical feast day to celebrate her life, and yet this mysterious woman who healed and taught alongside Yeshua, has been misunderstood by academics, historians and theologians alike. Although her name has gained more recognition since the discovery of the Gnostic Gospels, which includes The Gospel of Mary, little is still known about her life and teachings.
Perhaps you're intrigued by her life, feel drawn to her or simply feel the same fire that Magdalene exuded in her life. Her energy and voice will empower you and shift your consciousness.
Twice a month, join us for community sharing followed by live channeling of the Magdalene. We hope you will join us!!

Renee & Anthony

What Others Say...

Elizabeth More Graff

Angie Latham

Shirley Myers

Manar Farahat

Eileen Drevitson

Anne Pascale

Gwendyllyn Andreas-Weiss

Mary Peterson
Membership Content & Replays
Before You Begin: How to Navigate the Platform
How to Navigate the Course through this Platform
Reflection Questions
About Magdalene's Sisters™
A Message from Renee, Co-Founder of Blue Soul Earth® & Magdalene's Sisters™
2025 Morning Recorded Replays
Magdalene's Sisters™: Jan 14, 2025
Magdalene's Sisters™: Feb 13, 2025
2025 Evening Recorded Replays
Magdalene's Sisters™: Jan 30, 2025
Magdalene Channelings: Her Voice, Her Truth
Magdalene on Consciousness
Magdalene's Voice
The Ho'oponoopono Prayer